James Bay Neighbourhood  Association

honouring our history, building our future

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month

Mile Zero Realignment

During the 18th January 2021 Special Council of the Whole meeting the proposal to reattach the triangular section of Beacon Hill Park was removed from the list of proposed 2021 budget items.

The following amendment was proposed by Councillor Potts:

“That council defer $275,000 for the orphaned land at Mile Zero to the 2022 budget”.

This amendment was passed by a vote of 5 to 4. 
For: Alto, Andrew, Dubow, Potts & Thornton-Joe (i.e. postpone to next year; not necessarily against the proposal).
Against: Helps, Isitt, Loveday & Young.(i.e. retain in the 2021 budget).

This realignment was first proposed in 1999.

View the Council discussion and the 1999 proposal: 

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