16th May 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting
At this meeting city staff presented the Douglas St. Bus Lane Update plan. A key component of this plan is the relocation of the transit station from the Legislature to Douglas St. The province has set June 30th as the deadline for the City to designate the Transit Orientated Area (TOA) by bylaw.
Following this meeting JBNA sent a letter to the City requesting that the TOA be relocated to Douglas St.
2nd May 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting
At the Committee of the whole meeting city staff presented:
“A report regarding implications and Zoning Regulation Bylaw amendments that have been mandated by the Province through Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 and Bill 47 Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 and recommending that staff be directed to prepare the necessary bylaws and provide consultation on a new Amenity Cost Charge Bylaw.”
A video recording of this part of the meeting follows below.
A first review indicates that there are very few “Restricted Zone” areas within James Bay. These are areas where the Province has mandated the minimum number of units which the city must adopt in its bylaws:
- Restricted Zones – Allow more small-scale, multi-unit housing (SSMUH) in land use zones that are otherwise restricted to single-family dwellings or duplexes
- Transit Orientated Areas (TOAs) – areas within 400m and 800m of a transit station. The Legislature terminus has been defined as a transit station.
- Remove any requirements for off-street motor vehicle parking for residential development in the TOA
- Eliminate certain off-street parking requirements for SSMUH within 400m of prescribed bus stops and within TOAs. There are currently no prescribed bus stops within James Bay.
Restricted Zones

This diagram indicates the very few “Restricted Zones” within JBNA. These are the only areas where the SSMUH bylaws mandated by the Province apply.
Transit Orientated Areas
The diagram below shows Victoria’s only Transit Orientated Area – at the Legislature.
By June 30, 2024 municipalities are required to:
- Designate the TOA by bylaw
- Remove any requirements for off-street motor vehicle parking for residential development in the TOA.
zones for the properties within these tiers at this time. It is not required by the new legislation, and
these properties will be reviewed more closely as part of the comprehensive OCP 10-Year Update
and Zoning Modernization processes, both of which are well-aligned and consistent with the intent
of the new provincial legislation.”