Bill 47 permits 10 storey residential buildings within 200m of a designated transit station and 6 storey within 400m (see OCP – The City, Bills 44 &47 ). The area within the 400m radius is defined as as a Transit Orientated Area (TOA)
- Currently the Province has listed the Legislature terminus as a prescribed transit station.
- The City would need to inform the Province of the proposed relocation to Douglas St. and request the change.
- Per Bill 47 a transit stations can include a planned bus exchange.
- Bill 47 requires the City to amend its bylaws to designate TOAs by June 30th 2024.
Below are:
- The JBNA letter to the City requesting that the Legislature no longer be designated as a Transit Station (TA) and that the the Province be asked to proposed Douglas St. exchange is designed as a Transit Station
- A motion before the June 20th Committee of the Whole meeting requesting “requesting that Bill 47 identify the Victoria TOD under Bill 47 as the block of Douglas Street between Belleville and Humboldt streets.”
- The video recording of the relevant part of the above meeting.
The JBNA Letter
The Motion