James Bay Neighbourhood  Association

honouring our history, building our future

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month

Our Purpose

JBNA aims to provide a link and conduit for residents by:

  • Monitoring community issues including the preservation, rehabilitation and planned development of James Bay, transportation, and environmental matters including pollution:
  • Forwarding community goals and objectives for the James Bay Neighbourhood Plan;
  • Facilitating and reviewing rezoning applications and other land-use proposals and forwarding residents’ views on the proposals;
  • Monitoring and participating in City initiatives such as harbour walkway design, parks review, pedestrian walkway project;
  • Hosting open monthly meetings at which any James Bay resident can voice views about community matters;
  • Participating in City forums and committees regarding land use matters and reviewing policy initiatives;   and
  • Working with other City of Victoria neighbourhoods to forward issues which affect all neighbourhood.

“A dynamic, human-scale and diverse neighbourhood focused on a vibrant village core, that preserves its heritage, integrates its waterfront, and provides green spaces and accessible public transit.”

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Membership of our Association is only available to James Bay residents. There are no membership fees.

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