James Bay Neighbourhood  Association

honouring our history, building our future

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month


JBNA follows the “Community Association Land Use Committee” (CALUC)  process when considering zoning or other land use proposals from developers and residents.

One of the main roles of the CALUC is to facilitate the dialogue between applicants and the community in order to identify and resolve issues (both positive and negative) regarding land use applications

Proposals and presentations are reviewed by the JBNA Development Review Committee (DRC). The DRC holds preliminary meetings with developers to review re-zoning proposals, as required by the City’s CALUC process. This review ensures that the proposal will be at a suitable stage of completion by the day of the CALUC public meeting

Note that only rezoning applications must currently be reviewed at CALUC Community Meetings  which JBNA hosts at General Meetings; many developments, not requiring rezoning, proceed without Community Meetings or input from JBNA

If variances are needed, the Province has created a “Variance” approval process.  That process is also administered by the City, but a CALUC public meetings at a JBNA meeting is not required.

Developers are advised to contact JBNA to arrange for a DRC meeting to discuss the proposal and to obtain sign-off of the City’s Development Proposal Community Meeting Notice. The more informative JBNA Development Review Fact Sheet may assist developers in preparing for the CALUC meeting open to all residents. This form also provides discussion points for the advance DRC meeting.

The status of development (“rezoning”)applications can be viewed on the City’s “Development Tracker” webpage

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