February 2025: Revised plans posted on development tracker
December 2024: Revised plans posted on development tracker
August 2024: Revised plans posted on development tracker
June 2024: Revised plans posted on development tracker
January 2024: Revised plans posted on development tracker

September 2023: JBNA explains their concerns in a letter to Council, an extract follows:
“With respect to the development proposal bounded by Quebec, Montreal and Kingston Streets we ask that COTW not approve any alternative designs that do not conform with existing zoning and OCP guidelines that support Missing Middle housing objectives. We also request that long established principles of public consultation be maintained.”
View the letter here
July 2023: Council votes to send a 17-storey, 102-unit condominium project proposed for James Bay back to the drawing board, after concerns were raised that it’s too high for the area. Times Colonist article here
November 2022: An additional open house was held on November 23rd. This development is no longer linked with the Menzies development. For additional information please visit the developer’s website .

- CALUC Letter (includes Zoom participant comments)
- Developer Presentation
- Meeting Notice (sent to all on our email list (join here) and distributed to residences located within 200 m of property