James Bay Neighbourhood  Association

honouring our history, building our future

We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month

Douglas/Blanchard Intersection Redesign

13th June email

Click here to view the emails from Councillor Caradonna and from City staff providing additional information

16th May Council Meeting

At the 16th May 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting the “Douglas Street Downtown Dedicated Bus Lane Update” report was presented to Council:

“A report seeking Council direction on proposed changes to upgrade the Douglas Street corridor south of Hillside Avenue to accommodate dedicated transit lanes as proposed in the BC Transit RapidBus Implementation Strategy.” 

The video below includes segments of this meeting which are most relevant to James Bay residents.

The main goal of the strategy is to achieve dedicated bus lanes from Humboldt Street to Hillside Avenue with transit layover space on the northbound lane of Douglas between Belleville and Humboldt Streets.

The design elements which would most affect James Bay residents include:

  • Closure of the northbound lane of Douglas Street between Belleville and Humboldt
    • This is expected to result in the redirection of 30% of northbound traffic from Douglas St. to Blanshard St
  • Reduction from two lane to single lane traffic on Blanchard due to addition of dedicated bike lanes.

  • Moving the transit station from the Legislature to the above section – Belleville to Humboldt – of Douglas St.
    • Note that Bill 47 permits 10 storey residential buildings within 200m of a designated transit station and 6 storey within 400m (see OCP – The City, Bills 44 &47 ). The area within the 400m radius is defined as as a Transit Orientated Area (TOA)
    • Currently the Province has listed the Legislature terminus as a prescribed transit station.
    • The City would need to inform the Province of the proposed relocation to Douglas St. and request the change.
    • Per Bill 47 a transit stations can include  a planned bus exchange.
    • Bill 47 requires the City to amend its bylaws to designate TOAs by June 30th 2024. (see the JBNA letter to the City below)

  • A redesign of the Superior/Douglas/Blanshard junction
    •  All northbound traffic will be routed onto Blanchard St and will no longer be able to continue north along Douglas St.

Meeting Video

The 20 minute video below includes segments of the council meeting which are most relevant to James Bay residents. The video of the complete meeting can be viewed here.

JBNA Letter to the City

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