Congestion (traffic volumes)
As discussed under Transportation James Bay is challenged by the:
- the densely packed population of 12,000,
- the Legislative Precinct where protest and formal Provincial events take place,
- being the centre of the Region’s tourism activity, and
- being the focal point for the many of the Capital Region’s public events
with only a few streets which provide ingress/egress.
Working with data provided by City staff, JBNA has analysed traffic volumes with an emphasis on cruise versus non-cruise traffic:
Street Use
JBNA has been actively involved with, and promoting, specific street use to find balance for the competing transportation interests, particularly of tourist vs local use and pedestrian vs wheeled vehicle use.
Vehicles travelling at speeds considered too high for residential streets, particularly taxis serving the cruise-industry, have created calls for traffic calming measures including more controlled intersections. The JBNA Active Transportation Committee has undertaken projects directed to resolution of traffic conflicts.