Ogden Point & Fisherman's Wharf
Ogden Point and Fisherman’s Wharf waterlots and foreshore lands were divested to a not-for-profit society, namely Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA) in 2002.
Ogden Point
Over the past 15 years, GVHA has undertaken the creation of a Master Plan for the Ogden Point facility. The current planning began in 2008. The Functions & Facilities Plan and the Draft Master Plan were completed in 2016.
Ogden Point is a fee simple owned property; it is approximately 35 hectares in area with a land base of 14 hectares. The development of this large industrial facility will have significant impacts on the community and will be in addition to the current emission, noise, congestion and safety issues.
With the Ogden Point Master Plan having a 30-40 year build out, it will be difficult for the community to ensure that safeguards are in place. That is the main reason that JBNA is advocating for a Good Neighbour Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding for this development.
Fisherman’s Wharf
The plan for the Fisherman’s Wharf Development Permit area was completed in 2013/14. JBNA and GVHA have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the review of future developments.